Simba’s hide-and-seek♪The bag-loving cat is in a good mood.

Hello! Simba, the boy with the straight ear American curl, is doing great today!

When I got my tote bag ready to go shopping…

Simba’s in!!! hide and seek♪

I took a peek inside.

Him eyes sparkle.So cute!

I lifted the bag as it was, and he didn’t mind.

He likes to feel wrapped up, I guess.

It’s true that Simba sometimes sleeps in dark and small places. Maybe it is similar to that.

These days, Simba spends most of his time behind the washing machine. When it’s almost time to go out, I’m in trouble.

I kind of feel like he hides when he knows he’s going to be away and when he wants me to play with him.

I want to hear Simba’s true feelings!

See you soon!

Thank you.